Thursday, April 10, 2008

Haven't I done this before?

I think I've tried this whole blog thing before. It didn't work. I didn't type anything. But that was before I started to see other blogs of people who hate humanity as much as me. As a whole, we're not so bad, the problem is with the blithering idiots who should not be allowed out of their cages, much less given enough freedom to pick up a phone.

You see, I work for a small answering service. And although the names, can, and probably will be changed, all of the stories I put here will be true. And that means that as a society, we're in a lot of trouble. Because I deal with everybody, from doctors, to mechanics, to a trash company, and they all suck. Which means this stupidity is not within a select group of humanity, oh no, it's spreading. And we are so screwed.

1 comment:

Darth Tauri said...

good stuff, I am suggesting this blog on both of mine!